Monday, September 16, 2019
Common Reactions to Sexual Harassment Essay
Sexual harassment affects everyone differently. Since each instance of sexual harassment carries its own particular relationships, behaviors, attitudes, and responses, it is hard to predict exactly how you will react until the situation occurs. A large part of sexual harassment has to do with power. The person harassing you is using their words and/or actions to affect you. This is often confusing and can lead to mixed feelings about how to handle the situation. Victims of sexual harassment are often fearful of the consequences that might come from reporting the harassment or embarrassed by what their co-workers and superiors might think. Will they believe me? Will the situation just get worse? What if this was my fault to begin with? It’s important to remember that sexual harassment is not your fault. You did not ask for this behavior, and in fact, may have expressly asked it to stop. If you have questions about how to handle your claim speak to a sexual harassment lawyer about the details of your case. The person harassing you may not have understood your personal boundaries at the time of the first offense (depending on the severity), but they certainly do if you’ve told them that their behavior makes you uncomfortable. Common reactions to sexual harassment include: Denial Embarrassment Guilt Fear Isolation Shame When the offensive person or persons continue harassment, the best thing to do is report the behavior to a supervisor, human resources department, or follow your company’s grievance procedure. It is not uncommon for those who experience sexual harassment to feel confused or alone in their situation. These feelings can prevent you from reporting your situation or even discussing it with friends or family. Being able to talk about your experiences is an important part of the healing process and is the first step to resolving your situation. There are also sexual harassment support groups available where you can connect with other people who understand the complex emotions you are going through.  If you are currently experiencing sexual harassment, know that you are not alone. It is also possible that there are other people in your workplace experiencing similar circumstances and are as affected by them as you are. Single Parent Research Paper Writing Skills: Important Issues Single parent family condition involves the presence of a father or mother and children/child. In a better definition one can say that single parent is one who is saddle unwillingly with the responsibility of brining up a child or children as the case maybe, so we talk about the single mother and father. The ongoing controversies about this family formation use to be bizarre in the past but due to increase in awareness and technological changes it has become tolerated. Single parenting as far as I am concerned can be described as a weak alternative to the whole or balance parenting practice, it is as a result of mistake which often lead to faulty children upbringing which most times leads to creating body and academic tasks like students against destructive decision research paper and school violent research paper. Single parent research paper is a writing that is conducted within the auspices of the educational sector mostly by pupils in high school; it aims apart from fulfilling academic requirements providing possible solutions to controversial, argumentative and questionable issues created by this condition. In doing this one will be urged to dig up some single parental issues, sample opinions from school, forums, groups, and what have you. These and other writing information will be divulged in single parent research paper writing plus how to get research paper help that is qualitative and cost effective from There are so many issues surrounding single parenthood some are controversial, influential, informative, questionable, and argumentative; meaning that the subjectsingle parent research paper writing attracts diverse reactions from people and thus sparks interest and reactions for this reason is this research paper writing initiated to address these issues and possib ly bring about a very suitable solution. Research paper writing requires types of essay writing skills like: argumentative, informative, descriptive, persuasive, controversial, reflective, cause and effect essay paper, add to these is the need to learn how to cite a research and other procedures that will be discuss in due course in the mean time one or two among many issues under thesingle parent research paper writing subject will be discussed and they are: cause and effect of single parent hood. The family is a small part of nation any problem in that setting will most definitely lead to problem in the society. for instance a child faced with parental abuse in the home setting will grow harmful traits like; aggressiveness, hate, rebellion, self complex, and what have you resulting in hates crimes that is prevalent in the society today so for this reason the training of a child should necessary not be solely restricted to parent but the society at large beginning from the immediate environment. The essence of this argument is to sensitize people to show a measure of concern to children this includes their welfare; the consequences is not only limited to the child or the family but to you the neighbor, family, friends, even strangers do not turn the other way when children are spotted doing wrong (in the absence of the parent) you never know you might be the first victim of the consequences. So what are the causes of single parenting; one is divorce, death of a spouse, teenage pregnancy/immorality, and child adoption by an individual. Among these causes teenage pregnancies and consequences of immoral living is the most destructive and that is becasue children born into this environment hardly ever come out right except by share luck, most reasons for juvenile delinquencies are traceable to parenting under this condition. How? This is where this instructional piece of writing single parent research paper comes in; in the next few seconds you will be reading how to approach a writing task such as this one.
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