Monday, September 30, 2019
Biology dna
Scope of task Students will be required to complete a Research Report in the form of a Powering presentation OR a weapon. This Task will require students to conduct individual research on a topic relating to genetic engineering. The Report will be the equivalent of 1500 words* and will include a bibliography. The bibliography will not be included in the word count. Students are not required to conduct a class presentation. *1 500 words is the maximum recommended length for this Report.The number of slides in a Powering presentation or weapon will be determined by the creativity f the student and the number of images they wish to include. The Research Report is worth 20% of the final student mark. Students will choose from the following list: Research area Suggested Topics Pre-natal diagnosis of genetic disease. * Cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, thalami's. Pre-symptomatic diagnosis of adult-onset genetic disease. Huntington Disease, breast cancer, bowel cancer.Production of human protein s. Insulin, Human Growth Hormone. Genetically-modified crop plants. Soya, Tomatoes, Golden Rice, BAT Cotton. Gene therapy. Cystic fibrosis, Severe Combined Immune Deficiency Syndrome. DNA profiling. For paternity testing, for breeding of captive endangered species, in forensics. Genetically modified organisms. Hypoallergenic cats, Environ TM – pigs, Estrangement Atlantic salmon Stem Cell Research. Type 1 diabetes, Nervous system diseases, Cancer, Primary immunodeficiency disease Cloning.Therapeutic cloning (type 1 diabetes), Reproductive cloning (e. G. Production of Dolly the sheep by nuclear transfer). *N.B.: any student who chose pre-natal diagnosis for their research topic for Biology Unit 1 should not be permitted to choose this topic for this Unit. The report will: introduce the scope of the topic describe the method used in the technology by the scientists in the laboratory include relevant diagrams discuss a social issue arising from the use of the technology include a bibliography of references used.This research project must be structured under the following headings: Introduction Background Genetics Genetic techniques Social issues Bibliography How Task is Approached Task is first introduced as early as possible during Week One and students are given a deadline (as stated in the teaching plan) to get the topic approved by the Teacher. Follow these steps: First, select a topic of interest that falls under one of the research areas given in the table above. Then, proceed to carry out a literature / library research on that topic and collect research articles related to that topic.Make sure your articles have the necessary information to write the introduction, history or background, method and social issues as described in the rubric. Confirmation of the topic is on a first come – first served basis whereby the teacher will approve the topic once the students meet the criteria above. Every student will have his/her own topic; no two stude nts are allowed to write the same topic from that class. Once your topic is approved by the Teacher, make sure you register your topic with your Teacher. You are then given 4 weeks to submit your slides – refer to the deadline given in the teaching plan.You are encouraged to submit drafts of your work. For a guide, refer to the samples of past research reports. Always refer to the assessment rubric attached to ensure that you are on the right track. The Knowledge, Skills and Behaviors outcomes achieved at the end of this task are dependent on the topic chosen. Below are some of the outcomes you should achieve. Unit Knowledge Outcomes At the end of this Unit students will be able to: 1 . Report on a specific area of interest within the field of genetic engineering 2. Apply their knowledge to new situations Unit Skills and Behaviors Outcomes 1 . Accurately use and apply biological terms in their appropriate context 2. Calculate ratios, proportions and probabilities as relevant to the study of Biology 3. Draw graphs using appropriate conventions 4. Appraise a range of different resources as part of the research process 5. Differentiate between useful and distractive information both in assessment tasks ND from the internet 6. Design and create a presentation report using appropriate software and IT facilities 7. Discriminate between and review differing points of view that exist relating to advances in biotechnology 8. Valuate experimental designs 9. Demonstrate written communication skills via practical reports and research reports How the task covers literacy, innumeracy, CIT and thinking skills Literacy Students will: organize and coherently present information in a report convert information gained through research into their own words relate a social sue in an objective fashion (using scientific expression) Compile a bibliography using a standard format. CIT use the internet as a research tool appraise internet sources for their relevance and validity use Powering to compose a report OR create a weapon.Thinking Skills summarize the main steps involved in an example of genetic engineering Appraise differing points of view that exist about a relevant social issue. How the task covers the MUFF Graduate Attributes Personal and social growth attributes survey a sample of individuals from various backgrounds to establish the different mints of view that exist regarding an example of genetic engineering critically evaluate research material and select relevant content apply an ethical approach to reporting the views of others.Lifelong learning attributes develop flexibility in thinking and learning through appraisal and subsequent summary of research material conduct an individual research activity write a report that summarizes material gained through their own research develop their ability to work independently organize knowledge gained on an example of genetic engineering use software to compose a research report SE the internet to conduct research develop the ability to draft and finalist a report. mints of view that exist regarding an example of genetic engineering. Suggested approaches Students will select a topic from a short list provided by the teacher. Students will â€Å"sign off' on their topic four (4) weeks prior to final submission date. An outline of the final report structure will be provided to students as a guide. Students may submit drafts of their work. Class time may be used for research and compilation of findings but it is expected that most of the required work will be completed outside of scheduled lessons/ structures.Ways of meeting approaches The Task should be introduced to students as early as possible, preferably during Week One. The outline provided to students should be structured to provide a guide for their research. The guide will follow the assessment criteria in the assessment rubric for this Task. Steps that may be involved in scaffolding the nature of the assessment task Students should be encouraged to draft their work. As relevant topics are covered in class, reference should be made to the usefulness of the content regarding this Task.
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