Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The No Child Left Behind Act Imperfect Legislation Essay
Through the years there have been many pushes for better education and each time new laws are implemented. Many of the old laws have been updated with improvements. These new laws are given a new name. The â€Å"No Child Left Behind†Act has given everyone a new approach to education while implementing many new stipulations and regulations. Schools have been classified as failing many times in the past and the government has made a goal to try and improve the education system in each instance. No Child Left Behind Act, when implemented, was a repeat of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (Background Analysis). The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 was â€Å" the major federal law authorizing federal†¦show more content†¦George W. Bush strived to use his position in the federal government for reform. He did however, try to â€Å"respect that education is a state and local responsibility,†(George W. Bush on Education). The No Child Left Behind Act was created because President George W. Bush felt to many of America’s neediest children were being left behind (Archived: Introduction: No Child Left Behind). The No Child Left Behind Act core is created from four â€Å"common-sense pillars.†n These pillars are accountability for results, an emphasis on doing what works based on scientific research, expanded parental options, and expanded local control and flexibility (Archived: Introduction: No Child Left Behind). The No Child Left Behind Act was signed into law on January 8th, 2002 (No Child Left Behind). There was eighty-four cosponsors, constructed of eighty-two Republicans, one Democrat and one Independent. Rodney Frelinghuysen, Kay Granger, John Mica, Todd Tiahrt, Henry Bonilla, Henry Brown, Marge Roukema, and James Traficant did not join until 2001. No Child Left Behind Act took about eleven months to pass starting in March of 2001. The House of Representatives passed the act with 384 majority vote and the Senate with a ninety-one majority vote. The bill was 670 pages long (H.R. 1--107th Congress: No Child Left Behind Act of 2001). The No Child Left Behind Act affected â€Å"virtually every person employed in the public school system,†as well as those notShow MoreRelatedThe Unsolved Income Achievement Gap1891 Words  | 8 Pagesyet an imperfect, solution to the problem by issuing the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). Then in 1966, the Coleman Report had a major role in raising public opinion toward this issue and disclosing its real dimensions during the War on Poverty movement. Also, in order to understand the real size of this problem, we must consider all the major factors that contribute to this income achievement gap and its evolution over the years. 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