Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Topic Response College Essay Samples
The Topic Response College Essay SamplesThe topic response college essay samples or the writing samples (Sastar) that you can acquire through the Internet, a library or just about anywhere else really help you a lot. These works, which contain the topics and the writing styles of the writers, are valuable, because they help you to see first-hand the evolution of the topic. The writer keeps a record of the growth of the topic so that, one day, he can really evaluate the progress of the topic from the point of view of the author.These writing samples, which are known as the Sastar, can also be bought in books, through subscription to books or with the help of a human being. The web can also be used as the perfect way to acquire the Sastar, since the students can use it through the internet for instance. To analyze them from your position, they can be quite useful. The Sastar writing samples are known for their uniqueness, and they are used to identify and learn from the writer.The Sast ar writing samples contain all the writing styles of the writers. Even though there are other writing samples for these topics, the most famous is the writing samples of Saul Bellow and F. Scott Fitzgerald. This is due to the fact that the sample consists of examples which have been found to be of a very high standard. This does not mean that the other writing samples are of a lower standard, but these writing samples can be compared with the Sastar, and all the texts can be judged without making comparisons.The subject of the essay also matters. You can get the writing samples of people, articles, paragraphs, scenes, poems and novels. There are also sample essays that have been written in correspondence format, news format, survey form and articles about life as a family member. The Sastar is very helpful in these instances, since you can compare the subjects of the writings with the topic. A great thing about the Sastar is that the writing samples are found to be of the very highe st standard.The writing samples for the topics are found to be of the very best standards, as well. The author can be consulted, the article quality, style, and substance can be judged very well. In addition, there are also sample essays that have been written in type of the topic, whether it is the scientific world the financial world, or any other area of interest.Students often think that all the writers are bound to fail. While this may be true, there are people who are more talented than others. The interesting thing is that not all the writers are equally talented. This is because different writing styles or topics are always present in different writers. The Sastar writing samples help students to look at the writing style, and the quality of the writings from different writers.The Sastar writing samples to help students develop the skill of personal writing. The students are required to write essays with the writers, and, of course, the students have to learn and to improve as much as possible on the writing samples of the writers. This is how students can get the topics and the writing styles from the Sastar and to use them in their own essay writing.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Appearance Of A Stranger - 1162 Words
The Appearance of a Stranger in a Small Kansas Town The appearance of a stranger in a settled small Kansas town, while unsettling to some, can be a rewarding experience, as long as there is a mutual desire to communicate. The course readings accurately depicted and reflected the stranger from various perspectives. Consequently, in order for the small town to thrive, there is a necessity for the appearance of strangers. Out of town travelers contribute to the local economy that provides income for local businesses. These types of strangers are transient and seldom worried the town’s folk. In contrast to the transient stranger, small Kansas towns scrutinized any stranger who desired to not be an outsider and take up residency. Beloit, a small Kansas town located in North-Central Kansas, had a population that ranged between four thousand to five thousand town folk. Anytime a stranger or strangers appeared, the talk of the town was all about who they were, where they had come from , do we like them, and which church are they attending church services. Each situation was a little bit different, which made the process that much more interesting. But in the end, each stranger or group of strangers became a pillar of the community that Beloit proudly bragged to relatives in other small Kansas towns. The first example of a stranger that came to Beloit during the author’s developing years, brought his wife and kids with him. Ron Mah and his family were Chinese. They opened aShow MoreRelatedBeauty : When The Other Dance Is The Self1642 Words  | 7 PagesWalker describes in â€Å"Beauty: When the Other Dance is the Self†how her experience with her eye being noticeably damaged had caused her to forget the value of her inner beauty. Similarly, Toni Morrison’s explains in â€Å"Strangers†that the media has highlighted the importance of physical appearance instead of a person’s character upon meeting them for the first time. The s ubject in Johannes Vermeer’s Study of a Young Woman is not conventionally beautiful but Vermeer saw something valuable in the subject thatRead MoreDescriptive Essay About Stranger931 Words  | 4 PagesMuen Wang Hour 6 Mr. Korek Ap Psychology Stranger Paper Strangers are everywhere, some have even been sharing a class with me all throughout high school so far. Yet, I have never really bothered to noticed them. However, during the past few days in Ap Psychology, I have observed someone that’s been a stranger to me for years and learned some interesting facts about them as a person. My stranger, Jake Allen, appears to be very confident in his appearance, athletic, fashionable, popular, and caresRead MoreFirst Impressions Are Not Last Impressions1608 Words  | 7 Pagesindifferent and walk by like there is no person there at all? Are you disgusted or stricken with pity? Or do you see them as a person, just like you, living their life the best they know how? Our perception of people are largely based on their physical appearance and often the thoughts that enter our minds when we see an individual that has a visual disability are negative and cause us to formulate a disapproving impression about their person as a whole. The q uestion lies in what happens with the initialRead MoreA Scandal in Bohemia Essay714 Words  | 3 PagesScandal In Conan Doyle’s short story â€Å"A Scandal in Bohemia†(1888), Sherlock Holmes can tell that the stranger possess great wealth before he speaks a single word. Sherlock Holmes analyzes everything when it comes to people. He uses their appearance, how they carry themselves, and what kind of objects they have on them. The author uses descriptive words to describe the way the stranger looked. This essay will prove that Sherlock Holmes is so observant of everyone, that he can tell who youRead MoreAnalyzing Twain ´s The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg and The Mysterious Stranger1137 Words  | 5 Pagesof his works such as The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg, and The Mysterious Stranger. In both stories are set in small towns whos residents are oblivious to their own moral hypocrisy. The sudden appearance of a stranger spreading a sort of knowledge, initiates a chain of events the leads to certain residents to self-evaluate their own character and that of the whole huma n race. Its is through these Mysterious Strangers and the events they trigger that Twain is able to depict his unfiltered cynicalRead MoreGender Roles In Chuck Palahniuk And David Finchers Fight Club879 Words  | 4 Pagesdisregard to traditional gender roles has spun our society into a tizzy. In Fight Club, Chuck Palahniuk and David Fincher have focused on the promotion of traditional gender roles and masculinity, as well as clearly defining appropriate behaviors and appearances for men. The traditional gender role of a male is participating in reckless or dangerous activities, showing little emotion, and obtaining dominance and power. Fight Club reinforces the traditional gender role of males, especially in the â€Å"I WantRead More`` Strangers `` By Toni Morrison And James Baldwin1400 Words  | 6 Pagessame opinions. Everyone carries a different opinion of a stranger in his/her mind depending upon there past encounters with strangers. This is evident in the works of Toni Morrison and James Baldwin. We encounter too many people everyday and it’s impossible to get to know them all. We observe and gauge them based on appearances, just like we do with â€Å" Books based on their cover †says Edwin Rolfe in â€Å"Murder in the Glass room†. In â€Å"Strangers†by Morrison, she meets a fisherwoman at her neighbor’sRead MoreFocus On Your Beauty : Lucy Grealy s Narrative Mirror1696 Words  | 7 Pagessufferings, she also tolerated the unfriendly and vicious sights and languages from strangers, catching her in endlessly depressed emotions. In fact, body images do mean a lot, because most people in the world focus on their faces and worship beauty. However, perfectness doesn’t exist, and no matter how much effort and money we spend on dressing, we can always find the flaws on our faces and shapes. Physical appearance can make us feel happy, but it also creates upset and troublesome feelings. In orderRead MoreThe Gabriel Garcia Marquez s The Han dsomest Drowned Man1537 Words  | 7 PagesIn â€Å"The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World,†a remotely isolated village with a small population is suddenly turned upside down when the corpse of a giant stranger washes up on their small shore. This villager is clearly not from the same world the villagers live in, and as they wonder where he came from, they begin to create stories about his life and who he is. They give him a name, Esteban, and create a world of fiction through which they can glimpse what his life was like for him, regardlessRead MoreThe Spanish Ballad, Or Romancero1346 Words  | 6 Pagesbe important later in the ballad. This is complimented by the description of her appearance,  «de un bel catar ». Through only these two lines we have a sufficient description of Moraima, and already are given hint of multiple weaknesses; her religion, which could put her in hot water, her gender, which means she is at risk of being taken advantage of, her size or stature, which shows that she is weak, and her appearance, which makes her of interest to potentially unsafe men. Although, looking back in
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Persuasive Speech - 1755 Words
It was October 6, 1998 when he was lured from the bar that cold, fateful night. His skull was smashed with a pistol butt as he was lashed to a fence, left for dead in near freezing temperatures. Nearly eighteen hours later he was found by passersby and taken to a hospital where we remained in a coma for several days until slowly slipping away. At his funeral, picketers carried signs saying, God Hates Fags and *Fags Deserve to Die. Matthew Sheppard is one of the thousands of victims who have suffered from the form of violence known as hate crimes. Someone commits a hate crime every hour. In the most recent data collection, 1999, a reported 7, 876 hate crimes were committed. This is a national crisis that we cannot allow to†¦show more content†¦And quite frankly, I just thought to myself, If I shut these places[parks where gay men met each other] down, my temptation to do that would be less. Jay, stating he has gay preferences, was conflicted about his sexual orientation. He felt the church around him labeled his desires immoral and worthy of death. He felt it was a constructive worthy thing to do. Jay succeeded in killing two gay men and wounding one before being arrested. In a society where we constantly allow the degradation of certain groups, supported by the numerous hate groups and a fear of being different~ this problem grows. Now that we have discussed the problem and certain causes, we I discuss steps that each of us can take to help solve it. Although we cannot remove hate from society we can help this problem by making others aware of just how serious it is, teaching tolerance to children, and finally pushing for passage of extending the current federal law concerning hate crimes. A January 10, 2001 article of The New York Times titled Against Hate Crimes, speaks of one networks social initiative, MTV will pre-empt all of its regular programming for 17 hours starting tonight ... as it scrolls the names of victims of hate crimes, and the stories behind the crimes. MTV ran commercial-free for these 17 _ hours, costing an estimated 2 million dollars. It is campaigns like these, which will give aShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Speech : Automatic Speech Recognition1610 Words  | 7 PagesAutomatic speech recognition is a tool that allows computers to translate spoken language into written text. This technology can assist users in interpreting and using audio information for applications such as transcribing interviews, human-computer interactions, and many more. Speech recognition is an application the Ministry of Justice has expressed great interest in. They wish to automate the conversion of voice recordings of inmate phone conversations to text, which can then be analyzed forRead MorePersuasive Essay On Hate Speech1612 Words  | 7 Pages In the name of free speech, hate speech should not be tolerated. Hate speech has devastating effects on the people and communities it is targeted at. Left unchecked hate speech can lead to harmful and viole nt effects. Over the past few years, the effects of hate speech used on women, homosexuals, ethnic groups and religious minorities have become more and more apparent. Hate speech can be very divisive in many of the situations it is used, depending on who interprets the expression can vary howRead MorePersuasive Essay On Freedom Of Speech1083 Words  | 5 PagesFreedom of Speech When the rules and doctrines of our country were first being assembled, the right minded individuals with the power of legislature took a page from John Locke and affirmed that Americans are endowed with a list of natural rights upon birth. The first and arguably most important notch on that list if the frequently used and abused First Amendment, our freedom of Speech. The First Amendment solemnly declares that Congress is incapable of passing any legislation which inhibits a citizen’sRead MoreSpeech : The Persuasive Speech761 Words  | 4 PagesDuring the persuasive speech I was really nervous. I know that this is the third presentation that I had to do, but I really had a hard time talking in front of everyone. That was very weird for me because I thought that I would already be used to speaking in front of the class since I’m always talking in class and participating. In my opinion, I feel that I did more wrong than right during this presentation. I know for a fa ct that I kept repeating myself. The reason for that was because I was reallyRead MorePersuasive Speech895 Words  | 4 PagesTo be Persuasive we must be Believable An American literary theorist and novelist, Kenneth Burke, once said, â€Å"Wherever there is persuasion, there is rhetoric, and wherever there is rhetoric, there is meaning.†(Burke) Barack Obama, Martin Luther King Jr. and Fannie Lou Hamer all delivered powerful persuasive speeches that will go down in history. The use of these motivational individuals’ language and persuasion played a pivotal role within the civil rights movement, the movement that achieved theRead MorePersuasive Speech1641 Words  | 7 Pagesto Public Speaking 14 November 2010 Persuasive Speech Reduce Landfill Waste by Reduce, Reuse and Recycling and the financial benefits I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: Over half of the waste that ends up in the landfill does not belong there because it could have been recycled or reused. B. Credibility Statement: Not only do I religiously practice reducing, reusing, and recycling, but I have done a great deal of research for this speech, also research for a recycling projectRead MorePersuasive Speech1777 Words  | 8 PagesPersuasive speech outline purpose: To persuade my audience to donate blood through the American Red Cross. Introduction: 1. Did you know that blood donated to the American Red Cross saves XXX lives per year? 2. People should give blood because it is easy and though there might be a little pain involved it is worth it because it saves so many lives and you get great snacks. Body: I. Giving blood is easy a. It only takes about an hour b. You just lay back and let the nurses do the work c. ItRead MorePersuasive Speech971 Words  | 4 PagesStephanie Ethington SPE 103-02 Speech Outline Draft 04/20/12 Persuasive Speech Outline Topic: Blood Donation Purpose: To persuade my peers of the need for blood donations. Thesis: The need for blood donors is crucial it could save a life of someone you know or your own. Introduction: A. Imagine you or someone you know needed blood to save their life. For example, if you were born with a heart defect and required a transfusion for a chance at life. What if there was no bloodRead MorePersuasive Speech1153 Words  | 5 PagesPERSUASIVE SPEECH OUTLINE Topic: Organ Donation Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to donate their organs and tissues when they die and to act upon their decision to donate. INTODUCTION Attention: How do you feel when you have to wait for something you really, really want? What if it was something you couldn’t live without? Ladies and gentlemen I’m here today to share with you my views on organ donation, in the hope that you will take them on board and give someone the ultimateRead MorePersuasive Speech966 Words  | 4 PagesKourtney Watkins 07/31/2013 Persuasive Speech I. Attention Step A. Right now in the United States of America murderers, rapist, and child molesters are being set free. Prisoners are watching T.V., eating a meal, and using exercise equipment while law abiding citizens are starving and living in gutters. Prisoners even have their own periodical. Dangerous criminals are walking the streets and crime is a way of life to many Americans. In America, crime does pay because our nations prison system
Friday, May 15, 2020
Sex in Advertising - 889 Words
An important controversial issue that America faces today is the debate of sex in advertising. Edward A. McCabe and John Carroll are two authors that present opposing arguments about this issue. McCabe persuades the reader into thinking that sex in advertising is no big deal, while Carroll explains why this is a major problem in America. Sex ads are defined as any type of advertising that shows pictures of partial nudity with wording that relates to the body in a sexual way, usually portraying women. Sex in advertising has been around for a long time but has the industry become too sexually explicit? Sex is everywhere, in almost every advertisement we see. While some people do not even realize it is there, others have strong rejections†¦show more content†¦Another way to solve this issue is to reduce the amount of sex in advertisements since most ads have nothing to do with sex. There should be a campaign or organization to regulate such ads, similar to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Its purpose would be to figure out what ads are appropriate and locate other ads where it is not appropriate. The inappropriate ads would not be submitted for advertisement. Reduction of sex ads will help stop the problem because women, children, and the rest of society would not be affected by so many of the offensive ads. Sexier women would not exploit the average body of a woman so regular women will not carry low self-esteems. Regular people will replace the sexy models so with this, children will not be affected and women will feel better about themselves. This is not proposing to ban sex in advertising altogether; there will be a moderate amount where it is appropriate. But some might think this violates America s freedom of speech and that the advertisers can put anything in their ads. But there are laws and organizations that limit this freedom such as the FCC. Other people think that it is not a large enough issue to affect all of society and it should not be made into such a big case. But women are stereotyped and degraded everywhere so this will be a start to full equality between men and women. Other proposals that try to help the problemShow MoreRelatedSex in Advertising912 Words  | 4 PagesSex In Advertising An important controversial issue that America faces today is the debate of sex in advertising. Edward A. McCabe and John Carroll are two authors that present opposing arguments about this issue. McCabe persuades the reader into thinking that sex in advertising is no big deal, while Carroll explains why this is a major problem in America. Sex ads are defined as any type of advertising that shows pictures of partial nudity with wording that relates to the body in a sexual wayRead MoreSex in Advertising1358 Words  | 6 PagesSex in Advertising I chose sex in advertising for my research topic because I do not know about it well, even though a lot of sexual images and texts in advertisements. When I was a little kid, I often surprised by ads with sexy woman. Even now, I sometimes have my eyes glued to such kinds of advertising. I wonder that there are some physiological reasons why people pay attention to sex images. Also, learning about sex in advertising is useful for my career because I want to work for an advertisingRead MoreNegative Effects of Sex in Advertising1151 Words  | 5 Pagescommercials that you see everyday? They simply use sex. Sex in advertising can be defined as the use of any type of sexual imagery to draw the interest of the consumer to buying a particular product or service. The use of sex in advertising as mentioned earlier is said to have boasted a lot company’s revenues, but it also has its negative side which has caused a lot of problems in societies around the world. The idea of using sex in advertising is a very smart way that advertisers use to gain attentionRead More Media Advertising and Sex Essay1210 Words  | 5 Pagesunderlying message. It is often heard that â€Å"sex sells.†So, many advertisers will use beautiful women and men in their advertisements to try to market a product. The hope is that â€Å"sex will sell,†and people will go out and buy what the ads are selling. There are many advertisements and commercials that use this approach. Prime examples of this are the advertisements for Orbit Gum and A Diamond is Forever. Also, the commercials for Levi jeans use sex to promote the sale of their brand. As a wayRead MoreAdvertising: Sex Sells Essay example1765 Words  | 8 Pagesmagazine? I would like to look like her. What do you say to your self when you see the product? Will this product help me look like her? Magazines play a part in creating the image of sex sells. Advertisers use an image to create an advertisement to sell a product. The Purpose of advertising is not to sell sex, but to attract the consumer. Their talent is the ability to transform seemingly neutral object to create a desirable product. It’s no wonder that we are so obsessed with our bodies andRead MoreWhat Makes Sex For Advertising So Appealing?1674 Words  | 7 Pages Sex is a very controversial subject that normally attracts a lot of attention, which forces it be extremely exploitable for attention craved advertisement creators. Sex can be defined as ways to gain consumers attention (Belch Belch 2007). What makes sex in advertising so special? Why is sex so appealing to consumers? Sexual appeal can be characterized as an emotional trigger. Sex can be construed as the soul of advertising. (Brayan 2003) There are various emotions that an advertiser can utilizeRead MoreThe role of sex in advertising is deba table and most individuals, including industry experts,2300 Words  | 10 Pages The role of sex in advertising is debatable and most individuals, including industry experts, conclude that having the target audience of an advertisement comprehend the overall message being sent in an advertisement is the essential objective. In order for a message to get across, the advertisement must first get the attention of the target audience or market. After all, if advertisers are unable to get one’s attention they will not be able to send a message. There are many strategies that advertiser’sRead MoreSex in Advertising1759 Words  | 8 PagesSex in Advertising: Beneficial or Controversial? Watch any amount of television throughout the day and at some point a sexually charged commercial advertisement will be aired. The commercial could show to barely dressed, large breasted, beautiful women fighting in a public location about whether or not the beer is great tasting or less filling. Another commercial will hint that using their body spray will lead to attracting not only one women but an entire room full of women. Not to worry,Read MoreAdvertising and Sex2303 Words  | 10 PagesLets prove thatÂ… Sex, indecency, violence, danger, disaster and death. These are topics that catch the eye of the average person. They catch our attention because they interesting subjects. They intrigue us. They spark our curiosity. They also raise a lot of controversy. Companies will use these words in their advertising to grasp the attention of all viewers. In this day in age advertisers will stop at nothing to get an edge on their competitor and will use such topics as sex and death to get aheadRead MoreViolence and Sex in Advertising2235 Words  | 9 PagesVIOLENCE AND SEX IN ADVERITISING Violence and Sex in advertising is a controversial issue in American society. Some think that this type of advertising is not an issue while others believe it can be a major issue. While most people know what violence and sex in advertising contain, I believe it’s important to define what it really is. Violence and Sex in advertising can be defined as any advertisement that depicts some type of nudity whether is be partial or complete while also insinuating some
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Assess The Significance Of Federalism In The USA Essay
Assess the significance of federalism in the USA Federalism involves the sharing of powers between different levels of government. In the United States this relates to the government at national level (the federal government) and those at the level of the state. The United Kingdom is not a federal state instead it is a unitary state where power is held in one place (parliament). Federalism is the process of sharing power between a central government, in America’s case Washington, and the States. The US Constitution dictates what areas the Federal Government have control of and the areas that the States have control of. Amendment 10 of the Bill of Rights dictates that any area that is not a power of Congress, President or Supreme Court it†¦show more content†¦The problem with this is that some States are massively insignificant in the Primary race. It can be seen the federalism in the USA has changed overtime. Federalism is significant in the USA as it has evolved over time. New Federalism emphasised state’s rights, small Government and getting government’s off the back of the people. New Federalism has been especially seen in George Bush’s presidency. It was seen that George Bush had to evolve the republicans into a more federal party due to the events that happened within his presidency. Similarly to this it can be seen that the creation of federalism is also significant in helping the overall maintenance of the United States of America. In 1787 the founding fathers mad e number of important considerations when drafting the American Constitution. Included in those was the desire to limit the power of any single political institution in the New Republic. This means that the fact that Federalism means that power is shared amongst different levels of government it prevents an overpowered central government as different parts of the government will still have power to do specific things. This is important as it established an intricate set of checks and balances which the government have to adhere to and conduct effectively so that the government can run.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Vista University Strategic Planning For 2025 - 1713 Words
Buena Vista University Strategic Planning for 2025 In this strategic plan, we are looking at today’s situation to help determine the future structure of Buena Vista University at the Council Bluffs location in 2025. The strategic plan consists of a vision and mission statement, SWOT analysis, strategy, and success metrics. Vision Statement â€Å"Our objective is to be in the top 10% of private colleges in financial strength and operational soundness by year 2025.†Mission Statement â€Å"Our purpose is to prepare students for life-long success in career and personal development.†SWOT Analysis Strengths: †¢ Financial position †¢ Small class sizes †¢ Class selection †¢ Location †¢ Bookstore †¢ Availability of computers Opportunities: †¢ Obama’s free community college plan †¢ Job summit †¢ Community outreach †¢ Curriculum expansion †¢ Athletics †¢ Housing †¢ Child care and pet sitting services †¢ Offer self-pace classes †¢ Routine structure of learning †¢ Virtual reality learning Weaknesses: †¢ Low enrollment †¢ Tuition †¢ Competition †¢ Size and degree offerings †¢ Classes overlap †¢ Budget constraints †¢ Inconsistency with bookstores †¢ Inability to rent textbooks †¢ Lack of teaching degree †¢ Diversity †¢ Marketing Threats: †¢ Discontinuance of academic programs †¢ Increasing tuition costs †¢ Competition †¢ Age of retirement †¢ Technology Strengths: Financial strength and operational soundness – Buena Vista University is in the top 20% of the nation’s private colleges for financial strength andShow MoreRelatedUrban Regeneration And Urban Development9597 Words  | 39 Pagesthe ‘Oxford of the East’, a legacy which came into prominence on the establishment of the University of Pune in the year 1949 (Hindustan Times, 2012). The city truly justified itself as the cultural capital of Maharashtra with its strong connections with the work of arts, music, theater and literature (Hindustan Times, 2012). Pune, being an educational hub of India by having one of the India’s oldest University (Maharashtra Tourism, 2013), has now been transformed into a major manufacture and productionRead MoreAirheads Business Analysis Essay34215 Words  | 137 PagesStrategic Analysis Project Airheads Trampoline Arena 26th July 2012 Table of contents Executive Summary 7 EXTERNAL ANALYSIS Introduction 9 Family Entertainment Center Industry 9 Market Size 9 Sales Growth 10 Stages of Industry Life Cycle 11 Trend 12 Key Competitors 12 Pest Analysis 13 Exhibit 1: Factors of the PEST Analysis 14 Political and Legal Factors 14 Economic Factors 16
The No Child Left Behind Act Imperfect Legislation Essay
Through the years there have been many pushes for better education and each time new laws are implemented. Many of the old laws have been updated with improvements. These new laws are given a new name. The â€Å"No Child Left Behind†Act has given everyone a new approach to education while implementing many new stipulations and regulations. Schools have been classified as failing many times in the past and the government has made a goal to try and improve the education system in each instance. No Child Left Behind Act, when implemented, was a repeat of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (Background Analysis). The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 was â€Å" the major federal law authorizing federal†¦show more content†¦George W. Bush strived to use his position in the federal government for reform. He did however, try to â€Å"respect that education is a state and local responsibility,†(George W. Bush on Education). The No Child Left Behind Act was created because President George W. Bush felt to many of America’s neediest children were being left behind (Archived: Introduction: No Child Left Behind). The No Child Left Behind Act core is created from four â€Å"common-sense pillars.†n These pillars are accountability for results, an emphasis on doing what works based on scientific research, expanded parental options, and expanded local control and flexibility (Archived: Introduction: No Child Left Behind). The No Child Left Behind Act was signed into law on January 8th, 2002 (No Child Left Behind). There was eighty-four cosponsors, constructed of eighty-two Republicans, one Democrat and one Independent. Rodney Frelinghuysen, Kay Granger, John Mica, Todd Tiahrt, Henry Bonilla, Henry Brown, Marge Roukema, and James Traficant did not join until 2001. No Child Left Behind Act took about eleven months to pass starting in March of 2001. The House of Representatives passed the act with 384 majority vote and the Senate with a ninety-one majority vote. The bill was 670 pages long (H.R. 1--107th Congress: No Child Left Behind Act of 2001). The No Child Left Behind Act affected â€Å"virtually every person employed in the public school system,†as well as those notShow MoreRelatedThe Unsolved Income Achievement Gap1891 Words  | 8 Pagesyet an imperfect, solution to the problem by issuing the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). Then in 1966, the Coleman Report had a major role in raising public opinion toward this issue and disclosing its real dimensions during the War on Poverty movement. Also, in order to understand the real size of this problem, we must consider all the major factors that contribute to this income achievement gap and its evolution over the years. Lastly, we look at the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLBA)Read MoreCustomary Law7483 Words  | 30 Pagestwo definitions given above are seriously considered, it will be detected that customary law consists of customs accepted by people in a community as binding among themselves. Customary law according to Mukoro (2004) while speaki ng about the Evidence Act of Nigeria Section 2, sub-section 1 of 1990 said that customary law is the rule in a particular area that has attained the force of law due to prolong usage. Both Elias (1977) and Badaiki (1997) see customary law as a body of customs, accepted by membersRead MoreThe Relevancy of Diminished Responsibility Essay3509 Words  | 15 Pagesand see society in terms of becoming increasingly lawless and heading for Armageddon . Philosophers and theologians point out that we really know very little about anything, and what is truth anyway ? Moore in Act and crime discusses the connection of Volition and Act and whether in fact volitions are an essential source of action . If however, volition is taken to refer to a faculty of will that as an object causes bodily movements, then we must think that person possessesRead MoreThe Adoption Of The Common Core State Standards3072 Words  | 13 Pagesthe form of the Every Student Succeeds Act (White House Report, 2015), or the California Common Core State Standards (CCSS) initiative (Meeder Suddreth, 2012); both education plans are being introduced with the intention of schools taking on the task of having all students graduating high school equipped with the skills and knowledge to be college and career ready (Mathis, 2010). Every Student Succeeds Act, which reduced the oversight of No Child Left Behind, was signed by the President Obama inRead MoreThe Policy Implementation Of The Executive Branch3120 Words  | 13 Pagesforms: legislative delegation to bureaucrats (congressional oversight), democratic representation, party relations, and many other mechanisms of incentivized control. Ultimately, questions of delegation boil down to: how do principals ensure that agents act on their behalf? How do legislatures ensure that bureauc rats are doing what they have been told? Institutional, reputational, and procedural rules have evolved in response to such dilemmas. Most importantly, principal-agent theory (PAT) has servedRead MorePdf, Docx7181 Words  | 29 PagesGoogle’s decision to enter China with Google.cn? MacLean was starting to question whether the decision went against their stated mission of organizing the world’s information and making it universally accessible and useful.4 Google’s top leadership had left open the door for revising their strategy by always reminding reporters and those in the company that the decision was made based on the information currently available. The company was not afraid to revisit previous decisions. MacLean had only oneRead MoreDissertation Proposal on Managing Diversity of Workforce18916 Words  | 76 Pagessame study is important for managers of organizations to understand. TREND 6: In the next 3 – 5 years, the number of individuals working during their retirement years will in crease. (Final Environmental Scanning Trend Document, 2006) The rationale behind these stated trends includes the facts that: 1. The American style of retirement is about to change; 2. Four-fifths of baby boomers claim they expect to work in retirement; 3. The oldest baby boomers are pushing 60 and many of them have already begunRead MoreMba Solved Assignment Papers52670 Words  | 211 Pagestitle, subtitle and the corresponding year is shown in the centre at the top of the map/diagram. Legend or Index: The index must clearly explain the colours, shades, symbols and signs used in the map and diagram. A legend is shown either at the lower left or lower right side of the map sheet. Direction the maps should show the direction north and properly placed on the top. Graphs and diagram leave a lasting impression on the mind and make intelligible and easily understandableRead MorePropaganda by Edward L Bernays34079 Words  | 137 Pagescabinet. They govern us by their qualities of natural leadership, their ability to supply needed ideas and by their key position in the social structure. Whatever attitude one chooses to take toward this condition, it remains a fact that in almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are 9 Propaganda dominated by the relatively small number of personsâ€â€a trifling fraction of our hundred and twenty millionâ€â€whoRead MoreCase Studies: Sas Airline Ryanair80169 Words  | 321 PagesFrance, Portugal and Greece) for their everlasting daily support, especially during hard moments. Many thanks to all of you! Umeà ¥, 24 June 2007 Gilles HELTERLIN Nuno BERBERAN Abstract The dynamics of business contexts influence the way firms act in their industry. These changes can have effects in several areas within a company. Entrepreneurship and Innovation are two areas that are affected when a change in firm’s environment occurs, like Schumpeter, Shane and Drucker point. Changes in
Guide to Critical Essays on Silas Marner - 1388 Words
GUIDE TO CRITICAL ESSAYS ON SILAS MARNER: 1. 1. SILAS MARNER: A STUDY IN TRANSITION by Shirley Galloway Writer’s thesis: * The story is not a fantasy but a serious work * Main issues are class ( Eliot refutes the common belief that the upper classes are superior) industrialization ( she argues that industrialization dehumanizes and alienates workers) and religion ( she suggests a ‘religion of humanity’ as substitute for failure of organized religion). * The issues are realistically treated, in the context of the author’s time, and through a series of contradictory parallels. Para 2: Explains that novel is set during time of transition and summarises story. Para 3: finishes summary. Para 4: dual story line mirrors†¦show more content†¦Central point of the novel., accounts for different endings of 2 stories. * We can now understand regeneration of two characters. Silas lost faith because LY religion inadequate in encountering a complex world, but repeated mistake by turning to narrow materialism. Weaving and gold provide order and meaning. Eppie frees him from man-made web, connects him to web of life. Love and fellowship act as mediator between individual and alien universe. Escape into over-simplification (miraculous intervention in LY or inhuman machine-like logic in Raveloe) denies need for such mediation. * Loss of faith, then gold, required to bring Silas face to face with reality of human situation. Love for Eppie leads to integration with society and new religious belief, based on love for fellows. * Re-defining oracles of religion carried out in discussions with Dolly. * Godfrey’s regeneration. Natural kindness has survived, and increa singly able to accept alien and ordered universe. Role of Nancy. But also swings from extreme of belief in chance to other, belief in Duty and Nemesis, another oversimplification. Cannot reduce complexity of life to fulfilling legal duties (Nancy also has to learn this). * Stories come into collision when both men claim Eppie. Critical debate. Takes education of both one step further, Eliot’s definition of religion of humanity one step further. * Preparation for this final debate , as well as other thematic concerns, given inShow MoreRelatedLiterature Marking Scheme9477 Words  | 38 Pagespassage-based, essay questions and (on prose and drama texts) empathic questions. There is a choice of three questions on each set text. Paper 2 1 hour 15 minutes Unseen From a choice of two question, each requiring critical commentary, candidates must choose one. One question is based on a literary prose passage and the other on a poem or extract of a poem. Candidates answer one question from each section and must choose at least one passagebased and one essay question. NoRead MoreBelonging Essay4112 Words  | 17 PagesHSC Subject Guide Belonging 2009 HSC: Area of Study – English - related material English HSC 2009 - 2012 is Belonging. What does belonging mean? From the Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus: belong, verb, 1) to be rightly put into a particular position or class; 2) fit or be acceptable in a particular place or environment; 3) belong to be a member of; 4) belong to be the property or possession of. Belonging, noun, affiliation, acceptance, association, attachment, integration, closeness, rapport,
Construction Effectiveness of Risk Management †MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Construction Effectiveness of Risk Management. Answer: Introduction: The paper investigates an issue of quality failure or adverse environmental outcome caused due to construction fault. The assignment is executed in the light of the collapse of the West Gate Bridge in 1970 into the Yarra River. The purpose of the report is to analyse a failure of a construction work and its after effect on the environment. The report shows that failures of construction companies to execute and maintain civil construction structures efficiently lead to catastrophes affecting hundreds of people and causing massive damage to the environment and its structures like rivers. It shows that loss of resources and stakeholders. This West Gate Bridge collapse in 1970 was an issue of extreme quality failure, failure to deliver quality product (the bridge over here) and immense loss of life and property. The collapse resulted in immense multitude of environmental pollution when tons of concrete, dust and building material fell into the river below and also spread over the surrounding areas. The section would delve into the material facts of the catastrophic building failure and issues it created. The West Gate Bridge was the most ambitious project in Australia, a part of which collapsed into the Yarra River on October 15, 1970. The accident happened when the construction company, John Holland Construction Company failed the deliver a quality construction. The bridge killed 35 people and left many injured when the span between 112 metres between piers 10 and 11 collapsed 50 metres to the land and the river below. The collapse resulted due to faulty construction, negligence and lack of governance on the part of the contractors and the union. It resulted in huge quantities of concrete, metal, debris and other wastes like immense quantities of dust falling into the Yarra River below which resulted in river pollution. The fire, dust and debris spread in the surrounding area aggravating the environmental pollution and degeneration. The West Gate Bridge collapsed due to building failure on the side of the contractor John Holland Construction Company that was awarded the contract by Victorian State Government. The Victorian Government gave power to Lower Yarra Crossing Authority, a business consortium to build the bridge, the later floated tender for the purpose and John Holland Construction Company got the contract. Maunsell and Partners, a Melbourne based firm was the consultant for the concrete work and Freeman Fox Firm, a London based company acted as the consultant for steel work. It can be pointed out the later had constructed Milford Haven Bridge which collapsed killing four people. The faulty construction was use of low quality materials and maintenance of the bridge by the construction companies and its engineers. Sources also cited the conflict between the management and the union resulted in lack of coordination and planning while constructing the bridge that ultimately led to the collapse (Heraldsun.c om.au. 2017). The collapse of the West Bridge into and around the Yarra River caused massive environmental damage, perhaps one of the most important long-term issues it created. The bridge piers of concrete weighing 200 tonnes of concrete fell into a river causing immense amount of river pollution. The dust and the concrete settled on the bank and the surrounding areas causing massive damage to the environment. The mud and the concrete fell onto the building around and caused damage to them as well. The collapse led to explosion of the concrete, which caused fire. Lubricants and oil added to the multitude of environment damage the collapse resulted in. This analysis shows that the collapse led to massive damage to the environment and the environmental structure below, the Yarra River. Project delivered on time and excessive cost: The slackness on the side of the civil engineering construction company John Holland Construction Company and its consultants, negligence in maintenance and several other factors led to extension of the project and increase in the cost. Ede (2013) in his work states that use of poor quality building materials result in collapse of constrictions like bridges. The reason of the collapse was a small gap of 4.5 inches between two girders. The people tied to balance between two spans, which led to cracks which was a structural failure. The construction companies decided to remove the buckle. The engineers ordered the workers to remove the bolts and that led to the bridge to collapse. The faulty construction and the consequent led to increase of construction from $44 million to a whopping $200 million. The fall of the West Bridge and the subsequent investigation by the authorities uncovered several legal, moral and ethical issues. The commercial organizations functioning in Australia come under the ambit of Safe Work Australia 2008. The act mandates all the commercial organisations including the construction companies follow the act. They are obliged by law to enforce and adopt codes of practices to ensure employee safety. The Act mandates the CEOs of the Australian companies to ensure that their organisations follow it and require them to frame strategies according to the act. The CEOs are supposed to inform the progress their organisations achieve in adopting and implementing Safe Work Australia 2008 (Legislation.gov.au. 2017). This shows that the construction company John Holland Construction Company and its consultants have breached the act. The construction company did not adhere to the safety laws that every civil construction company is mandated to follow while operating in Australia. The investigations also unearthed several ethical and moral issues revolving around the construction of the bridge and its collapse. Freeman Fox and Partners, one of the consultants had reputations of an ethical and irresponsible construction work. There are records of collapses of a number of bridges constructed by the company. The involvement of the company in spite of its bad reputation in the civil construction market internationally points out to the lack of ethics on the part of the main construction company, John Holland Construction Company (Glatzenberger 2015). There are also proofs of conflicts among the company, the engineers and the workers regarding the construction of the bridge. The investigators on moral grounds blamed the Victorian Government, the consortium, the contractors and even the workers for the collapse and the consequent catastrophe. There were also reports of frequently conflicts between the parties involved like the construction companies, the union and t he workers led to faulty building planning and calculations. These legal and ethical issues led to investigation and hearing of the matter at the Royal Commission (Ngundo 2014). Briefing of the issues or the problems: The above analysis of the issues involving the fall of the West Bridge in 1970, points out to four primary issues. First issue was failure to construct the bridge according to the expectation of the client and key stakeholder, the Victorian Government (Prov.vic.gov.au. 2017). The second issue was the massive environmental pollution caused due to collapse and spreading of materials into the river below and the surrounding areas. The third issue was rapid increase in the construction cost and extension of construction time, which was in fact encouraging high cost. The fourth issue was breaches of law, morality and ethics by the authorities and the construction companies. Li, Ng and Skitmore (2013) point out that civil construction companies manufacture bridges and faults in their products (bridges and roads) results in massive damage to the stakeholders. The analysis of the above issue clearly shows that John Holland Construction Company did not act responsibly towards the stakeholders . The collapse resulted in massive wastage of resources and pollution, thus affecting the society and the environment. The collapse led to death and injury to workers and damaged houses surrounding the structure. It shows that the construction company did not protect the interest of the stakeholders like the people, workers and the society at large (Jin et al. 2013). The evidences like photographs, drawings and plans show that actual performance f the construction company, John Holland Construction Company pertaining to the construction of the West Gate Bridge was way below the performance the principle the Victorian Government, expected or specified in the tender documents. The photograph above shows a collapsed portion of the West Gate Bridge. It shows the structures like the span, girder and pillars after the collapse (Savage 2013). The drawing below shows the structure of a cable stayed bridge, the category to which the West Gate Bridge belongs. The diagram evidently shows that the bridge decks hangs on cables and the entire load is transferred to the base through the pillars. The governments build these bridges with the expectations that they would be able to support heavy load of traffic and connect different regions. Adopting of a plan to construct bridges and getting approval from the top ministries involves several legal and political complications and are very time consuming. The ministry building the bridges pay a huge amount of money to the contractors who build the bridges. Langenmayr (2017) states that the governments accumulate this huge amount of resources to offer the contractors from the taxes they collect from the people and the companies. This analysis shows that the contractors by neglecting their responsibility of executing the civil construction work actually breach the expectations of the go vernments employing them for the work and the people (Moreu and Spencer Jr 2015). The figure below is a plan of a cable stayed bridge which showing the pillars or piers and the deck. The figure clearly points out that the deck hangs from the cables, which are in turn attached to the towers, which transfers the weight of the structure to the base. An analysis of the structural fault in case of the West Gate Bridge shows that the crack appeared in the in between the spans. The decks hang from the cables hence, when the decks cracked, the entire super structure of the bridge collapsed. The figure shows the present status of the West Gate Bridge which John Holland Construction Company completed. The bridge is supports a large number of traffic and is the third longest bridge in Australia. The finally has finally proved to be success and the construction company is working towards expansion of the bridge. The above discussion regarding success of John Holland Construction Company in meeting the expectation of the principle client, the Victorian Government can have two inferences based on the evidences. The project of building the West Gate Bridge was one of the most ambitious projects of the Victorian Government and involved a lot of expenditure. So, when the bridged collapsed and the slackness from the side of John Holland Construction Company was proven, it can be construed that the construction company failed to keep up to the performance expectations of the principle (Herps, Buntinx and Curfs 2016). However, the last picture bears evidence to the fact that construction finally succeeded in meeting the performance expectations of the Government of Victoria and the common people who use it to travel. Conclusion: The above discussion shows that failure and negligence from the side of the construction companies result in collapse of bridges. The collapse results in death and injuries to hundreds of people including workers. These bridges collapse into rivers and lakes over which they stand. This causes massive amount of environmental pollution to both the water bodies and the surrounding areas. It can be recommended to the construction companies that they must supervise, plan, control and maintain the civil construction work more strictly to ensure high quality of execution. This can prevent or at least minimise future collapses of bridges and damages to the people and the environment. References: Design 2017.Towers of Suspension and Cable Stayed Bridges -Functions, Design. [online] The Constructor. Available at: https://theconstructor.org/structures/suspension-cable-stayed-bridges-towers-functions-design/18139/ [Accessed 1 Nov. 2017]. Ede, A.N., 2013. Building collapse in Nigeria: The trend of casualties the last decade (2000-2010).International Journal of Civil Environmental Engineering,10(6). Glatzenberger, E., 2015. Leadership and Growth: The connection between leadership and sustainable growthperceived from a companys and governmental perspective in Sweden and Austria in the construction industry. Heraldsun.com.au. 2017.Who was to blame for West Gate Bridge horror?. [online] Available at: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/law-order/melbournes-west-gate-bridge-collapse-left-scene-of-carnage-and-35-dead-in-1970-horror/news-story/ad2863720aefc0b70a6eb4869af7eaea [Accessed 1 Nov. 2017]. Herps, M.A., Buntinx, W.H. and Curfs, L.M., 2016. Individual support planning with people with ID in The Netherlands: Official requirements and stakeholders expectations.ALTER-European Journal of Disability Research/Revue Europenne de Recherche sur le Handicap,10(4), pp.281-288. Jin, Z., Deng, F., Li, H. and Skitmore, M., 2013. Practical framework for measuring performance of international construction firms.Journal of Construction Engineering and Management,139(9), pp.1154-1167. Johnholland.com.au. 2017.West Gate Tunnel : John Holland. [online] Available at: https://www.johnholland.com.au/our-projects/west-gate-tunnel/ [Accessed 1 Nov. 2017]. Langenmayr, D., 2017. Voluntary disclosure of evaded taxesIncreasing revenue, or increasing incentives to evade?.Journal of Public Economics,151, pp.110-125. Legislation.gov.au. 2017.Safe Work Australia Act 2008. [online] Available at: https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/C2009A00084 [Accessed 1 Nov. 2017]. Li, T.H., Ng, S.T. and Skitmore, M., 2013. Evaluating stakeholder satisfaction during public participation in major infrastructure and construction projects: A fuzzy approach.Automation in construction,29, pp.123-135. Moreu, F. and Spencer Jr, B.F., 2015.Framework for consequence-based management and safety of railroad bridge infrastructure using wireless smart sensors (WSS). Newmark Structural Engineering Laboratory. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.. Ngundo, J.M., 2014. Factors affecting effectiveness of risk management in public housing construction projects in Kenya: a case of Kibera slum upgrading housing scheme in Nairobi. Prov.vic.gov.au. 2017.West Gate Bridge collapse | PROV. [online] Available at: https://www.prov.vic.gov.au/explore-collection/online-galleries-and-exhibitions/west-gate-bridge-collapse [Accessed 1 Nov. 2017]. Savage, I., 2013. Comparing the fatality risks in United States transportation across modes and over time.Research in Transportation Economics,43(1), pp.9-22. Skyscrapercity.com. 2017.Colorado River Bridge - Page 4 - SkyscraperCity. [online] Available at: https://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=363201page=4 [Accessed 1 Nov. 2017]. Westgatebridge.org. 2017.The collapse | The West Gate Bridge Memorial. [online] Available at: https://www.westgatebridge.org/node/114 [Accessed 1 Nov. 2017].
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
NEA offers 91 grants, more info Essay Example For Students
NEA offers 91 grants, more info Essay New information programs, new appointments and a slate of new grants to assist the nations artistically underserved communities have been announced by the National Endowment for the Arts.The United States Travel and Tourism Administration has teamed up with the NEA to develop a plan to help instill an increased awareness of Americas cultural diversity to international travelers to the U.S. As part of the cooperative agreement, signed by NEA chairman John Frohnmayer and USTTA head John Keller, African-American, Hispanic Latino-American, Native-American and Asian-American cultural sites and resources will be identified and included in USTTAs promotional ventures for international tourists.In late October, Frohnmayer also announced $6.2 million in grants for FY 91 to reach those who have not had the opportunity to experience and benefit fully from the arts in America. The effort to assist artistically underserved, culturally isolated communities across the country will allot funds in several different categories and will increase by more than $2 million by 1993. This years awards included $2.8 million in States Program grants to 28 state arts agencies to develop arts organizations and broaden public arts access in rural and inner-city communities; $1.9 million in Locals Program grants to 26 state projects to assist in the development of local arts agencies; $397,500 in Expansion Arts Program grants to 11 state arts agencies for regranting to rural arts organizations; $863,600 in Folk Arts Program grants for 24 individual apprenticeships with master traditional artists, and 19 additional grants to provide support for a variety of organizational efforts; and $227,900 for 13 Special Project grants awarded earlier this year to state and regional arts organizations for dance touring projects and jazz programs.The NEA has committed $500,000 this year to six arts organizations under its new multi-year Arts Education Collaboration Initiative to encourage the development of education programs. The goals of the initiative are to provide children with more direct arts experiences; to encourage long-term collaborations between arts organizations and arts and education agencies; and to target arts disciplines which receive little or no attention in most schools: theatre, opera and musical theatre, and dance.The pilot grants include $150,000 to the Childrens Dance Theatre, Salt Lake City; $25,000 to DellArte School of Physical Theatre, Humboldt, Calif.; $25,000 to Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center, San Antonio; $55,000 to Metro Theater Company, St. Louis; $125,000 to the Music Center of Los Angeles, Education Division; and $120,000 to Opera Theatre of St. Louis.It was announced at the August meeting of the National Council on the Arts that the NEA Inter-Arts program has been renamed the Presenting and Commissioning Program. Beginning in FY 93, the Theater and Opera-Musical Theater programs will shift their presenter support projects over to the new programs, and in FY 94, the Dance and Music programs will do the same.The NEA Theater Program is offering a new grant subcategory, Special Projects Individual Theater Artists Collaborations, designed to respond to innovative and exemplary theatre projects involving collaborative work among individual theatre artists. To be eligible, at least one of the collaborating artists must have received a Theater Program fellowship since 1987. Project fellowships will generally range from $7,000 to $20,000.Michael E. Johnson was recently appointed assistant director of the NEAs Opera-Musical Theater Program. Previously the administrative director of the Des Moines Metro Opera, Johnson has also worked extensively as a stage director and performer in both opera and musical theatre.Larry Baden has been appointed deputy chairman for management at the NEA. Baden, who had been director of NEAs grants office since 1986, replaces Cynthia Rand, who left to become director of the Office of Information Resources Management at the U.S. .u22b2fa417b88fbeff0d5eb2067601dd7 , .u22b2fa417b88fbeff0d5eb2067601dd7 .postImageUrl , .u22b2fa417b88fbeff0d5eb2067601dd7 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u22b2fa417b88fbeff0d5eb2067601dd7 , .u22b2fa417b88fbeff0d5eb2067601dd7:hover , .u22b2fa417b88fbeff0d5eb2067601dd7:visited , .u22b2fa417b88fbeff0d5eb2067601dd7:active { border:0!important; } .u22b2fa417b88fbeff0d5eb2067601dd7 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u22b2fa417b88fbeff0d5eb2067601dd7 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u22b2fa417b88fbeff0d5eb2067601dd7:active , .u22b2fa417b88fbeff0d5eb2067601dd7:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u22b2fa417b88fbeff0d5eb2067601dd7 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u22b2fa417b88fbeff0d5eb2067601dd7 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u22b2fa417b88fbeff0d5eb2067601dd7 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u22b2fa417b88fbeff0d5eb2067601dd7 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u22b2fa417b88fbeff0d5eb2067601dd7:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u22b2fa417b88fbeff0d5eb2067601dd7 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u22b2fa417b88fbeff0d5eb2067601dd7 .u22b2fa417b88fbeff0d5eb2067601dd7-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u22b2fa417b88fbeff0d5eb2067601dd7:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Black Orpheus: A Mythical, Musical Story Essay Department of Transportation.
Penalty Rates across Australia-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp.com
Question: You will write about story one on penalty rates, identifying the problem, analyzing it in terms of the relevant theory and literature, and provide practical solutions. Answer: Introduction Penalty rates are a form of compensation which is provided to the employees when the employees work on either Sundays or a public holiday. These rates are provided in from of additional compensation for the purpose of ensuring that fair compensation is provided in relation to the additional work done by the employees by sacrificing their leisure and free time (Hill, Jones Schilling, 2014). However the governments in Australia have taken a decision to reduce the penalty rate to be provided to the employees. When the employee rates were double the time for an employee working on a Sunday or a private holiday. However these payments in relation to full time employees have been reduced to half and time and in relation to casual employees it has been reduced to half and time. The purpose of this report is to identify the problem as a consultant of an organization operating in the retail industry which has been created through the deduction in penalty rates in relation to various areas of human resource management in the organization. The report initially identifies the problem and then analyze it based on relevant theories and literatures. Subsequent to the analysis the report recommends appropriate solutions in relation to the problem. The Issue As stated by ABC News (2018), the initiative taken by the government with respect to the reduction in the penalty rates across Australia has not been very successful as there has been a failure on the part of the strategy towards the creation of additional jobs and working hours. This is the primary issue which has been identified as a consultant to the organization. This result has been obtained through a survey which has been conducted by Macquarie University and University of Wollongong upon 1351 workers. It has been conducted through the research that no additional working hour has resulted out of the cutting strategy. The decision of cutting the penalty rates was attempted to be justified by the government by stating that the strategy is set to enhance the extent of services offered by the employees along with increase in additional working hours. The research has to the contrary made a finding that the working hours of the employees in the retail sector on Sunday have been decr eased by up to 9% after the new decreased rates have been implemented. In addition there has also been a significant decrease in the percentage of employees who work on Sundays. This has mainly been due to the decision of the employees of not working on Sundays where a lower penalty rate is provided to them. This issue may have a considerable impact of a few areas of HRM which are discussed in the report in The Light Of Relevant Theories And Literature. Strategic Hrm The organization must have the knowledge that Strategic HRM refers to typical components of HR such as hiring, payroll and discipline. The process incorporates the working of the employees in a collaborative way so that a boost in relation to quality, mutual benefit and retention of the employees can be achieved (Barney, 2014). According to the behavioral perspective in relation to strategic HRM there has been in order to get the best out of the employees their behavior in relation to elements like Motivation, expectations, conflicts. When the employees have proper motivation, their expectations in relation to their employment are met and there is minimum conflict which arise out of the workplace they automatically tend to provide more effort towards the organization. It has also been argued by Wheelen et al. (2017) that the satisfaction of employees in relation to the workplace has a significant impact on productivity of the organization. This is because when the employees are satis fied they are able to concentrate on their role within the organization in a much better way. In the present situation where the employees have been imposed with penalty rates which are less than what they use to receive. The primary purpose of a holiday penalties is to provide motivation to the employees to do additional work in a time which has been provided to them for personal use. Therefore it can be evidently stated that as the penalty rates have been reduced the motivation which the employees have to work in the given situation has reduced and the employer are not able to meet the expectation of the employees giving rise to conflict and subsequently low turnout of work of holidays. This statement can further be provided support through the results of the research conducted by Macquarie University and University of Wollongong where the same situation has been depicted through the research. Employee Turnover And Retention It is the duty of the consultant to discuss the impact of penalty rates on employee turnover and retention. One of the most significant challenges which are faced by the HR managers is in relation to their role in the organization is that of employee retention. Retaining employees is of significant importance to the organization (Albers et al., 2017). This is because when the organization is not able to retain employees it has to bear an additional cost in relation to the process of recruitment. In addition where the retrenchment rate of the organization is high the potential employees believe that there is something not right with the management within the organization and therefore refrain from applying in such companies. Out of the two types of turnover (voluntary and involuntary turnover) the one which is a more significant threat to the organization is the voluntary turnover. This is the kind of turnover which is initiated by the employees themselves and takes place in a situati on where the organization wants the employees to be a part of it. There are various reasons why employee turnover takes place. These includes getting better opportunity, not able to maintain a proper work life balance, poor management, conflict within the workplace and payment and compensation system and an overall unhealthy working environment (Slack, 2015). There are a few theoretical perspectives which have been provided in relation to the element of retention and turnover. One of such perspectives is in relation to the theory of distributive fairness. The theory is in relation to the decision taken by people based of the made contribution and the outcome received through it. Employees in the same way also consider the amount of contribution which has been made by them and the amount if compensation which is received in relation to the contribution to determine the feasibility of working with the employer in future. In situation where the penalty rates have been decreased by the government it is evident that the voluntary turnover of the employee would increase (Barney Hesterly, 2015). This is because in addition to the lack of motivation in the employees it can be stated that the employees have will have the view that the amount of additional effort they are providing is much more than the compensation which is being provided to them . Sacrificing personal time to work for the organization would be considered as a significant contribution and the lower penalty rates would be considered as a less compensation against the contribution (Rothaermel, 2015). Motivation, Rewards And Compensation A consultant has the duty to inform the organization about the importance of motivation, rewards and compensation. According to the equity theory a person in order to analyze whether the situation he or she is in is fair or not compares the situation which are faced by others. Thus as per the principles of this theory the ratio of perceived outcome such as working conditions or penalty rates is compared by a person with perceived input such as effort to the same ratio as others. Whether equity is perceived or not determines the consequences of the actions of the individuals. Where the person is able to perceive equity there is no change and where the person is not able to perceive equity there is going to be a change within the behavior and attitude of the person (Morschett, Schramm-Klein Zentes, 2015). When it comes to payment of penalty rates, external equity is taken into consideration by the employees. This means that the employees will tend to compare the penalty rate which they use to receive or what others are receiving in some other industry to perceive equity. In the given situation where penalty rates are different for specific industry employees working in sectors having a low penalty rate will not be able to perceive equity and there will be an evident change in their behavior. In addition it has been argued by Frynas and Mellahi, (2015) that a payment structure which is based on jobs may not result in a behavior which is desired, specifically in an environment which is changing rapidly. Thus penalty rate based on the kind of industry and the type of employment a person is engaged in would also not be suitable to derive the desired behavior from the employees. Diversity And Work Life Balance The organization has to consider the importance of diversity and work life balance in relation to the management of employees. It has been argued by Morden (2016) that providing addition compensation the employees to work on those days which are reserved for their personal use is unethical in nature and also not very effective in the long run as it disturbs the work life balance of the employees. Thus this argument can be taken in favor of the decrease in penalty rates for working on holidays. In addition a holiday on Sunday is a culture in Australia which is only for the purpose of relaxing and indulging into personal work. Allocating work on a holiday to the employer would lead to the operating against such culture. However these practices are totally legal in Australia as they are done for the betterment of market and smooth functioning of trade. In this situation it can be provided that penalty rates have been decreased for the purpose of ensuring that a pooper work life balance is established. However it has also been provided that the sending on consumer products has considerably decreased from the time there has been a reduction in the rates. This evidently provides that the employees are not able to maintain proper life-style due to the less compensation received by them. The situation will therefore have an adverse impact on their work-life balance (Goetsch Davis, 2014). Recommendations As a consultant it would be suggested that a an equal penalty rate opportunity program has to be initiated for the purpose of addressing the issue in relation to the different penalty rates. This program can function in from of an Equal Employment Opportunity plan through which the employees would be able to perceive equality (Hitt, Ireland Hoskisson, 2015). The employers have to observe distributive as well as procedural fairness while dealing with those employees who seek to work on Sundays and public holidays. In relation to such fairness the employees may provide the employees some form of fringe benefits in situation where the penalty rates have been reduced. The motivation of the employees to work on holidays has to be enhanced by employers. A lack of motivation is a serious problem which has been indentified in relation to the reduction of penalty rates. Motivation can be enhanced by providing lesser work on holidays where there has been a reduction in penalty rates. The employers have to ensure that the work-life balance of the employees is maintained so that they can contribute fairly towards their role in the organization. Satisfied employees tend to provide more productivity. Work-life balance of the employees can be improved by given them flexible working hours. Conclusion Employment relationship is the core to the success of any organization. As a consultant to the organization it would be stated by me that the organization has to enhance employment relation which can be done through providing employee satisfaction. The organization has to incorporate strategic HRM in order to effectively manage its employees and increase productivity. The lower penalty rates have de motivated the employees to work effectively. Thus the organization needs to address the issue by provided adequate compensation and rewards to the employees as well as a healthy working environment which is inclusive in nature References Albers, S., Baum, H., Auerbach, S., Delfmann, W. (Eds.). (2017). Strategic Management in the Aviation Industry. Taylor Francis. Barney, J. B. (2014). Gaining and sustaining competitive advantage. Pearson higher ed. Barney, J. B., Hesterly, W. (2015). Strategic management and competitive advantage concepts and cases. Pearson. Frynas, J. G., Mellahi, K. (2015). Global strategic management. Oxford University Press, USA. 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