Friday, October 25, 2019
Edgar Allan Poe: Life and Works Essay -- essays research papers
     Edgar Allan Poe was a literary genius of his time. His works may seem eccentric but beneath the words and stories lies a solemn, alone boy whose only way of comfort and relief was through his pen. Of the critical reviews I have studied pertaining to Poe, never has such a varied difference of opinions been presented or suggested towards a writer. It is thought that his life had a major influence on his writing and by reading many of his pieces I agree with that statement. Edgar Poe was born in Boston on January 19, 1809 to actors Elisabeth Arnold Poe and David Poe Junior. Edgar had a brother Henry, who was a year older than him, and a younger sister, Rosalie. His mother and father separated a couple months after Rosalie’s birth. When Edgar was two his mother passed away and a few weeks later his father died as well. As a result, Edgar and his siblings became separated. John Allan took in Edgar where he was christened as Edgar Allan Poe. Three years later the Allan’s moved to England where he attended Manor House School for three years. Even though Edgar performed very well in school, he only seemed to remember his school days in London as lonely and unhappy. After three years, they returned to Virginia but Poe felt abandoned constantly. Mr. Allan was always busy with work and his wife was in a constant state of illness. The Allans never legally adopted Poe; resulting in many cards and greetings sent to the family that would fail to mention Edgar.      When Edgar was a teenager the Allans moved around frequently. In 1822, the family finally settled in Richmond, in a house rented from William Galt. Edgar continued with his education, and by the age of fourteen, he was attending the Academy of Joseph H. Clarke. He did very well academically and the academy not only encouraged his studies but nourished his gift for language. Poe excelled in Latin and French, and at age sixteen he wrote the poem â€Å"Oh Tempora! Oh Mores!†While at school Poe excelled at writing by authoring countless numbers of poems. My research indicates that Poe had the potential to publish a book of poetry. For reasons unknown the Academy of Joseph H. Clark was not receptive to this venture and persuaded Poe’s stepfather not to entertain such notions. The school also brought out the athlete in Poe. He was a good runner, leaper, boxer, and sw... ...urity and anger towards John Allan often kept him from succeeding and doing well in life. He was in a constant uphill and downhill race. He didn’t want success enough for himself and let John Allan ruin his chances of becoming wealthy and happy with himself. One would think though, is it better he was treated that way? For this treatment created one of the world’s most renowned, controversial and heavily debated writers ever. In my opinion, Poe’s purpose was to let everyone know how he felt and what he felt, and with his intelligence and proper English and grammatical skills he was allowed to do so with writing. It is often said writing is a form of calming relief, whether the content be brutal or serene, those who write seem to explore and take in more from life then those who sit by and not use their imaginations. Poe may have gone deep into his and composed papers of mystery and confusion but he also reminded us about the side many people shut off in fear of harming others or being harmed themselves. Death is not a fun topic to discuss and with the way Poe would word his writings he made death itself become a light musical of phrases and poems that will be forever in our minds.
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